Leading with Kindness.

This week we are working on the very first yoga limb: Ahimsa. Translated from Sanskrit, as “no injury” or “no harm”. My own interpretation is “Leading with kindness, to ourselves and others”.

Rev. Jaganath, of the Yoga Life Society, says that one interpretation of this virtue is that “We should not knowingly cause harm to human beings, animals, and so-called inanimate objects in thought, word, and deed. Ahimsa, like most moral and ethical precepts, challenges us to have our beliefs, motives, and actions in alignment.”

That covers Leading with kindness to others, however leading with kindness towards ourselves is just as big of a game changer. Ahimsa can be practiced in our actions, with choosing healthy physical habits such as diet, exercise, sleeping, and self-care. However, practicing healthy mental habits is a major part of Yogic philosophy. How we talk to ourselves, how we mentally digest our human experience (and take reprieve from it) can also benefit from being in alignment with Ahimsa.

Let’s take a minute to ponder how we can use this philosophy, what areas in your life do you already practice ahimsa? Self care rituals, hobbies, your health, getting on your mat! Your doing it now :) Let’s thank ourselves for that effort.

Next, let’s dig deep. Where can we improve? How can we bring the principal of ahimsa into our lives more? What can we set free, what goals can we place? How can we be better role models and teachers of kindness? Is there an issue in your life that could benefit from an ahimsa perspective?

I would love to hear your thoughts.


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